When we speak about the causes of hair loss, multiple factors come into mind. These range from unhealthy diets to chemical-infused hair products. But how often do we think about stress? After all, isn’t stress a phenomenon we’re all too familiar with?
Many people would be surprised to uncover the inherent link between stress and hair loss. This makes it extremely important for you to understand how the two are related, so that you manage your stress better and deal with it effectively.
The causes of hair loss are not always in the way we act, but can reside in the way we feel as well.
Below we will discuss the link between stress and hair loss:
This is a common condition caused by stress. It pushes your hair follicles back into their resting phase to restrict them from producing new strands of hair.
This makes your hair susceptible to falling out and being damaged more easily over time. Just the mere act of washing or brushing them can make them break!
Though lack of nutrition or hormonal imbalances can contribute to this condition as well, stress undoubtedly still plays a major role in it.
Also called a hair-pulling disorder, this condition is caused by uncontrollable amounts of stress. It involves psychological urges to pull out the hair from ones scalp, eyebrows, or any other part of their body.
Not only does this condition cause distress and impair social functioning, it also leads to significant amounts of hair loss. Along with other factors like genetics and age, stress is considered to be the main cause behind it too.
Some treatments for this condition include but are not limited to, behavior and cognitive therapy. In some cases, medications are also used.
This condition causes hair loss in certain areas of your scalp. Random spots of baldness (usually circular) appear on your scalp, and in some severe cases it can lead to the complete loss of hair.
This is an autoimmune disease, and a person’s genetics can play a great part in it. Stress can also contribute to this disease and play an active role.
Along with adopting sufficient stress-coping techniques, this condition is also treated with medications.
Struggling with hair loss? Avail our hair loss treatments now in London, Ontario, and get the best rates. We offer high quality PRP hair restoration services, along with a range of spa treatments and affordable spa packages.
Call us now at (519) 433-6245!
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Tuesday to Friday 10am - 7pm
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